God, Guns, and the Golden Rule.


What is the connection with being Christian and owning a gun? Most of the VERY Christian people I know own guns –proudly, but I have yet to find the passage in the Bible that says owning a gun is important, having a gun is important, or protecting yourself or your stuff is important. I’ve seen plenty of “Thou shall not kill,” but it doesn’t say “Thou shall not kill unless someone is stealing your TV, or someone is attacking you.” It does however say, “turn the other cheek,” but many people seem to skip over that part. It also says that it is harder for a rich man to get to heaven than for a camel to get through the eye of a needle. Why? Because we aren’t supposed to be materialistic. Christianity gives you the idea of heaven as a final, after-life paradise so that death doesn’t seem so scary. And yet, it seems, Christians with guns are afraid of EVERYTHING!

If you are Christian, and you die, the common belief is that “that was your time to go.” God is in charge of these things, and we can’t or shouldn’t get in His way, or try to change it. So then why do some people want the God-like power to end someone’s life? Do they think they are Gods?

But wait! The Bible says, “An eye for an eye.” Yes, it does. So if someone steals your TV, you have every right in Christian thinking to go steal theirs –well except for that “thou shall not steal part.” –Damn! Well, you can always turn the other cheek, but no where, no one in their right mind will think that ANYONE’s life is worth a TV or a wallet. These are Old Testament writings that also included killing an ox if you told a lie, and getting your father drunk and fucking him so that you can have children. It’s in there, so do we just pick and choose?

Or do we go to New Testament writings, and the teachings of Jesus. But as I recall, as he’s being tortured and put to death, he says, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” He doesn’t tell his apostles to seek revenge nor is it in their mindset. It’s not a Christian idea. In fact, it’s anti-Christian. Can you imagine Jesus telling his assassins, “I hope you die?” Or what if he was given a sword and fought back. I mean he was in danger for his life and he knew it. He knew that wasn’t in God’s plan. Do you think it is in God’s plan to have anyone kill anyone?

Many people twist ideas and words and call guns, “peacemakers.” I have never understood this. Someone comes into your house, you shoot them, and now you have peace? Do they have peace? What about their family? What about yours? What if you can’t prove it was self-defense, and you get thrown in prison, where’s your peace? Do you sleep more peacefully knowing that there is a gun under your pillow, or do you have nightmares of having to use it?

And statistics show that more people –especially more children –are killed with their own guns, or guns in their houses. That is never what anyone expects, or hopes for, but it is the reality. Where is the peace in that?

The irony is that these same Christians are so against abortion, because in their eyes an unborn fetus has more rights than a living, breathing person with a name, experiences, and memories. If the mother shoots herself in the belly, would it be ok with them? Maybe that’s going too far, but there’s a very huge disconnect that can’t seem to be reconciled. Why, in so many other countries, is abortion not an issue at all, and no one owns guns? Are they backwards or are we?

Maybe Christians feel they are more patriotic and American about it, by following the 2nd Amendment, but the 2nd Amendment was written before we had a standing army. It was written when every man was expected to defend his land from the British, the wild animals –oh, yeah, and the natives. So yes, we have this right, and at the time it was written, it made a lot of sense, but it was also written in the same document that separated church and state, so I ask again, where is the connection?

About Ryn Cricket

When I talk to people, I always hear, "I always wanted to do that," or "You're so lucky!" I NEVER want to be the person who says those things. I am not lucky, I make things work. I don't think "I want to do that." I do it. When I was in the seventh grade I wanted to do three things when I grew up, I wanted to be an English teacher, a writer and a mother. All of that traveling, adventure, and Peace Corps was just research for what was to come. After more than twenty years of being told I would never be able to have children, I had two beautiful baby girls, a year and a half apart. I spend some of my time teaching English in Shanghai, China, and the rest of my time, inspiring my two little girls, or being inspired by writing at the writers’ workshop I call “home.”

3 responses »

  1. What we must explore here would be the personal dynamics that people choose to pursue. Does ‘God’ really dwells within these so-called ‘Christians’ or do these individuals distort ‘God’ through their self-contempting filters of awareness..?

    Your thoughts returns me to a personal obsession I constant hold: The Love of One’s Self Unconditionally.

  2. Hazar,

    So let me get it right. No christians in the military. No christians in the police force. No christians on a SWAT team. No christians on an armored money carrier. So every christian who has a gun in those areas are not Christian and are selfish? Your assumptions are rediculous. It’s not a issue of guns, its an issue with the heart. There is nothing wrong with a Christian protecting his wife and family with a gun and I don’t care what you say.

    • A very good writer friend of mine told me that criticism of what you say says more about the critic than the writer. In this case, I can see that is true. I, Ryn, the writer, never mentioned the police, military, or any of those things. Those were assumptions you made, so when you said my assumptions were ridiculous, it seems kind of ironic. I am talking about the average citizen at home. I can see your home is in Texas. You hold on to your gun, and I wish you a very safe life.

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